The story of RailTel begins around the dawn of the 21st century, when Indian Railways understood the need of having a dedicated agency to take up the creation of modern telecom infrastructure within Railways, concentrating its own focus on Train operations. Such agency was the way ahead to develop capacity and capability within Railways.....
As of today, RailTel has a commissioned OFC network of about 45000 KM connecting about 4500 Railway stations across India. RailTel is terminating 1 pair of fiber at every Railway station enroute which are spaced at 8-10 Kms to serve Indian Railways. The network diagram showing details of OFC laid, under progress and work proposed is shown in the following diagram:
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) holds the future and the competence to transform. Existing technologies are tailor-made to distribute conventional resources but to mine the unconventional ones we need novel technology. Solution lies in indigenous, affordable and easy to access technology. ICT for society should be the driving idea of future innovation.
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