National Knowledge Network
National Knowledge Network (NKN) envisages connecting all higher centers of learning and research by bringing together all stakeholders from science, technology, higher education, healthcare, agriculture and governance to a common platform. The concept which formed one of the key focus areas of the National Knowledge Commission strongly feels that to optimally utilize the potential of institutions engaged in generation and dissemination of knowledge in various areas, such as research laboratories, universities and other institutions of higher learning, including professional institutions, it is important to connect them through a high-speed broadband network. The purpose of such a knowledge network goes to the very heart of the country's quest to build quality institutions with requisite research facilities and create a pool of highly trained persons.
RailTel has been selected as one of the implementing partners of the network by providing high capacity bandwidth pipes for the NKN project.RailTel as one of the implementing agencies for NKN project of NIC has so far connected 765 higher education and research institutes such as IITs, IIMs, medical colleges, research institutions and District Collectorate offices.
RailTel is also providing Campus Wi-Fi facilities at 26 Central university campuses.