Other Announcements
- Newspaper publication for quarter ended 30.09.2024
- Appointment of statutory auditors for FY 2024-25
- Proceedings of 24th Annual General Meeting of the Company
- Newspaper publication for quarter ended 30.06.2024
- After dispatch newspaper publication- 24th AGM
- Business Responsiblity and Sustainability Report for FY 2023-24
- Before dispatch newspaper publication- 23rd AGM
- Intimation of record and AGM date
- Resignation of Dr. Subhash Sharma, Independent Director
- Newspaper Publication Dated 03-05-2024
- Certificate under Regulation 40(10) for the year ended 31.03.2024
- Certificate under Regulation 7(3) for year ended 31.03.2024
- Disclosure under Regulation 31(5) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
- Newspaper Publication of financial results 31.12.2023
- Audio Recording of Investor Call held on 25.01.2024
- Appointment of Shri Ranjit Kumar
- Cessation of Shri Rakesh Ranjan
- Audio Recording of Investor Call held on 27.10.2023
- Newspaper Publication of financial results 30.09.2023
- Appointment of Auditors of FY 2023-24
- Intimation regarding MCA order on Amalgamation of REL with RCIL
- Voting results of 23rd AGM
- Proceedings of 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Company
- Before dispatch newspaper publication- 23rd AGM
- Intimation of 23rd AGM and Record Date
- Newspaper Publication of results Qtr 30.06.2023
- Audio Recording of Investor Call held on 28.07.2023
- Outcome of the Board Meeting - 09.07.2023
- Appointment of Shri Yashpal Singh Tomar
- Intimation of BoD meeting to be held on 09.07.2023
- Reply to BSE on spurt in volume
- Reply to NSE on spurt in volume
- Voting Results of MCA Convened meetings
- Proceedings of Shareholders Meeting and Unsecured Creditors meeting held on 26.05.2023
- Audio Recording link of Investor Call held on 19.05.2023
- Newspaper publication of financial results 31.03.2023
- Certificate under Regulation 40(10) for the year ended 31.03.2023
- Submission of Undertaking (Large Corporates) for FY 31.03.2023
- Intimation of a tripartite agreement with old RTA and new RTA
- Intimation of 22nd AGM & Record Date
- Intimation of Credit Rating
- Intimation regarding termination of COD contract
- Certificate under Regulation 7(3) for year ended 31.03.2023
- Disclosure under SEBI (SAST) Regulations for FY 2022-23
- Appointment of Shri Manoj Tandon
- Appointment of Shri Rameshwer Meena
- Audio recording of Investor call held on 02.02.2023
- Newspaper Publication of Financial Results 31.12.2022
- Cessation of Shri Vikas Kumar Jain
- Results of Postal Ballot dated 19.12.2022
- RPT Disclosure for half year ended 30.09.2022
- Newspaper Publication of Notice of Postal Ballot 18.11.2022
- Intimation of Audio Recording investor call 14.11.2022
- Newspaper Publication of Results Qtr 30.09.2022
- Appointment of Shri V Rama Manohara
- Appointment of Shri Rabindra Nath Mishra
- Change in desigantion of Shri Rakesh Ranjan
- Voting Results and Scrutiniser Report of 22nd AGM
- Final22ndAGMProceedings
- Outcome of BOD held on 29.09.2022-Scheme of Amalgamation
- Newspaper Publication of Addendum to 22nd AGM
- Addendum to Notice of 22nd AGM
- Appointment of Sanjai Kumar
- Appointment of Shri Vikas Kumar Jain-Nominee Director
- Appointment of Auditors of FY 2022-23
- After dispatch newspaper publication 22nd AGM
- Notice and 22nd Annual Report
- Before dispatch newspaper publication 22nd AGM
- Audio recording link of investor meeting dated 12.08.2022
- Newspaper publication of results for Qtr ended 30.06.2022
- Cessation of Shri V Shanker
- Invite for Analyst Investor Conference Call on 12th August 2022
- Cessation of Shri Chinnsamy Ganesan
- Press Release Dated 06.07.2022
- Newspaper Publication of Public Notice of Postal Ballot
- RPT Disclosure for Half FY ended 31.03.2022
- Audio recording link of investor meeting dated 27.05.2022
- Newspaper publication of results of FY 2021-22
- Invite for Analyst Investor Conference Call on Friday 27th May 2022
- Change in Directorship11.05.2022
- Submission of Undertaking (Large Corporates) for FY 31.03.2022
- Appointment of Shri Rakesh Ranjan
- Certificate under Regulation 40(10) for the year ended 31.03.2022
- Disclosure under SEBI (SAST) Regulations for FY 2021-22
- Certificate under Regulation 7 (3) for year ended 31.03.2022
- Investor meet presentation
- Cessation of Shri Ashutosh Vasant
- Change in RTA
- Resignation of Shri Avinash Madhukarrao Ghate filed with the Stock Exchanges
- Cessation of Shri Umesh Balonda
- Newspaper Publication of results of qtr ended 31.12.2021
- Invite for Analyst Conference call 16.02.2022
- Press Release ICAI Award for Annual Report
- Appointment of Shri V Shanker
- RPT Disclosure for Half FY ended 30.09.2021
- Appointment of Dr. Subhash Sharma
- Appointment of Shri N Manoharan
- Copy of Newspaper publication of FS for 30.09.2021
- Intimation of AGM dated 04.09.2021
- Invite for Analyst Investor Conference Call on 15.11.2021
- Letter from MoR for appointment of IDs
- Cessation of Shri Vinay Srivastava
- Proceedings at the 21st Annual General Meeting of RailTel
- Newspaper Publication of AGM Notice post dispatch
- Copy of Newspaper Publication pre-dispatch AGM Notice
- Appointment of Statutory Auditors for the FY 2021-22
- Copy of Newspaper publication of FS for 30.06.2021
- Rescheduled Invite for Analyst Investor Conference Call on 13.08.2021
- Invite for Analyst Investor Conference Call on 13.08.2021
- RPT Disclosure for Half FY ended 31.03.2021
- Cessation of Smt. Rashmi Jain 20.07.2021
- Copy of Newspaper publication of FS for 31.03.2021
- Invite for investors analyst conference call on Tuesday 29th June, 2021
- Submission of Undertaking (Large Corporates) for FY 31.03.2021
- Certificate under Regulation 40(10) for half year ended 31.03.2021
- Certificate under Regulation 7(3) for half year ended 31.03.2021
- Disclosure under SEBI (SAST) Regulations for FY 2020-21
- Intimation of Record Date for Final Dividend FY 2020-21
- Press Release dated 23.03.2021
- Outcome of Board Meeting dated 22.03.2021
- Invite for investors analyst conference call on 23rd March 2021
- Subm of Newspaper Pub regarding Audited FS for the QTR and 9 months ended on 31.12.2020
- Subm of Newspaper Pub regarding Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 22.03.2021
- Pursuant to Regulation 30 RailTel received advance purchase order from BSNL amounting to Rs. 25.46 Crores